Club Rowing Committee
- Chairperson:
- Mr. TSANG Chiu Lung Rax
- Members:
- Mr. KAO Chung Lei Edmund
Mr. YEUNG Wing Shun Nelson
The Club Rowing Committee is responsible to the Board for the promotion, development and success of club rowing. Its responsibilities include:
- Subject to approval of the Board and in cooperation with relevant Committees, establish and implement policies for the long-term sustainable development of club rowing in its current locations and in new locations wherever suitable conditions exist.
- Establish and implement policies for the sustainable development and operation of viable rowing clubs as the core element of the rowing structure in Hong Kong to create and support a broad base of rowing activity in the community.
- Promote the sport of rowing to the community through clubs and continually increase the number of people actively involved in club membership.
- Coordinate and cooperate with the other Committees to provide overlap and transition from one type of rowing to another where this is beneficial to the development of club rowing and where there is a demand for such overlap and/or transition.
- Promote rowing club membership as a life-long involvement in sport.
- Oversee and plan, together with the Executive Director and Technical Director and the Venues Commission, the most effective utilisation of facilities and equipment to support the success of clubs in the promotion of sustainable rowing activity and membership.
- In cooperation with the Events Committee ensure that the rowing competition programme in Hong Kong meets the requirements of promoting club rowing including the opportunities for hosting local international regattas to benefit local rowers.
- Monitor the utilisation of current facilities and coordinate with the Venues Commission and other Committees to develop a long-term plan to ensure sufficient facilities to anticipate and serve the current and future demand for club rowing activities.
- Make proposals to the Board on matters of policy or on new policies related to club rowing which require Board approval.
- Cooperate with all Committees in their areas of speciality to ensure that rowing is promoted through active clubs and is organised in a positive and proactive manner for the long term benefit of the sport.
- Manage the budget allocated for its activity by the Board and make submissions to the Board on related budget or financial issues.
- Review from time to time these Terms of Reference for consideration by the Board.
Coastal Rowing Committee
- Chairperson:
- Mr. CHOW Kwong Wing
- Members:
Mr. CHEUNG Kwok Keung Mr. KOT Tsz Bun Mr. LAM Hon Kit, Keith
Vision – Hong Kong is surrounded by water, much of which is not suitable for traditional “Olympic” rowing, but is well-suited to coastal rowing, using purpose-designed coastal boats. Coastal rowing gives the HKCRA the opportunity to provide access to an internationally recognised aspect of our sport in a fresh, challenging and attractive environment to large numbers of people throughout Hong Kong.
The Coastal Rowing Committee
- is responsible to the Board for the promotion, development and management of coastal rowing and its competition programmes, including: –
- Subject to approval of the Board, establish and implement policies for the development of coastal rowing in suitable locations throughout Hong Kong.
- Establish and implement policies for the creation and operation of coastal rowing clubs, utilising both new and existing organisations and facilities, to promote and support a broad base of coastal rowing activity and continually increase the number of people actively participating in coastal rowing.
- Manage and develop the coastal rowing competition and activity programme in Hong Kong, including the opportunities for hosting local international regattas, and ensure these programmes achieve the objectives of developing and promoting the sport.
- In coordination with the Rowing Safety Committee, to develop and maintain an appropriate and relevant safety code for coastal rowing.
- Coordinate and cooperate with the other Committees to provide overlap and transition from one type of rowing to another where this is beneficial to the development of rowing and where there is a demand for such overlap and/or transition.
- Cooperate closely with the other Committees to ensure that coastal rowing is developed, managed and promoted in an active and sustainable manner.
- Encourage the participation of clubs in overseas coastal rowing events.
- Advise clubs on the procurement of coastal rowing equipment.
- To work with the Promotion and Public Relations Commission to develop appropriate publicity and promotional material.
- Make proposals to the Board on matters of policy or on new policies which require Board approval.
- Manage the budget allocated for its activity by the Board and make submissions to the Board on related budget or financial issues.
- Cooperate with Committees in their areas of speciality to ensure that coastal rowing is promoted and organised in a positive and proactive manner for the long term benefit of the sport.
- Prepare minutes of meetings, policy recommendations and advice to the Board and to the relevant Rowing Committee.
- Review from time to time these Terms of Reference for consideration by the Board.
Operations Committee
- Chairperson:
- Ms. HO Kim Fai, OLY
- Members:
- Mr. CHEUNG Kwok Fai
Dr. Michael TSE, OLY, JP
Mr. Kenny WU
Operations Committee is responsible to the Board / Council for supervision of the operation and management of the Association, including:-
- Advising the Executive Director on operational matters;
- Implementation of approved policy;
- Commenting on policy proposals submitted to the Council and where appropriate submitting its own proposals to the Council;
- Receiving reports from Committees and the Executive Director and Technical Director;
- Performing financial matters and other duties which authorized by the Board of Directors;
- Ensuring that the Association properly performed in accordance with the provisions of the other co-operating agencies.
Indoor Rowing Committee
- Chairperson:
- Ms. HO Wai Chi
- Members:
Mr. CHENG Fu On Ms. LAU Ching Man Mr. Tony LAU Ms. LI Yin Wai
Vision – Rowing requires access to suitable water. In Hong Kong there are geographical limits on the access to such water for large areas of the population. Indoor rowing provides a convenient, accessible and exciting option for participation, competition and development and is a key anchor of the HKCRA’s community and school sport activity. In addition indoor rowing forms an important part of the talent identification programme.
The Indoor Rowing Committee is responsible to the Board for the promotion, development and management of indoor rowing and its competition programmes. Its responsibilities include:
- Subject to approval of the Board, establish and implement policies for the development of indoor rowing into a mass participation sport/activity throughout Hong Kong.
- Promote indoor rowing to the widest possible range of existing organisations, with emphasis on self-organisation within the framework established by the HKCRA, i.e. organisation by and between the participating groups rather than depending on the HKCRA.
- Promote indoor rowing to the community and continually increase the number of people and groups actively participating.
- Manage and develop the indoor rowing competition and events programme in Hong Kong in cooperation with the Events Committee, including the opportunities for hosting local international indoor regattas to benefit local rowers, and ensure these programmes achieve the objective of promoting the sport.
- Through reference to overseas practice, provide guidance to participating organisations and groups on the range of activities which are possible for the use of the indoor rower.
- Promote indoor rowing as a life-long activity for all.
Coordinate and cooperate with the other Committees to provide overlap and transition from one type of rowing to another where this is beneficial to the development of rowing and where there is a demand for such overlap and/or transition.
- Cooperate closely with the other Committees to ensure that rowing is developed and managed in an integrated manner across all its forms.
- Make proposals to the Board on matters of policy or on new policies which require Board approval.
- Manage the budget allocated for its activity by the Board and make submissions to the Board on related budget or financial issues.
- Cooperate with all Committee in their areas of speciality to ensure that indoor rowing is promoted and organised in a positive and proactive manner for the long term benefit of the sport.
- Prepare minutes of meetings, policy recommendations and advice to the Board and to the relevant Rowing Committees.
- Review from time to time these Terms of Reference for consideration by the Board.
High Performance and Selection Committee
- Chairperson:
- Mr. Michael Scott TANNER, BBS, MH
- Members:
- Ms. HO Kim Fai, OLY
Mr. CHEUNG Kwok Fai
Mr. LUI Kam Chi, OLY
Mr. HUANG Zhong Ming
Mr. Kenny WU
Ms. Fenella NG, OLY
The Association’s High Performance Programme is run in partnership with the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI), which is the delivery agent for elite sports under the policy direction of the Secretary for Home Affairs. The programme is managed on a day to day basis by the HKSI Head Rowing Coach, who also serves as the Association’s Technical Director.
Committee Membership and Meetings – In principle the Committee will be chaired by the HKCRA President. Members shall include the HKCRA Chairman, HKSI Head Rowing Coach, HKCRA Coaching Director, and at least one retired Hong Kong Team rower – who shall have competed at Asian Games or Olympic level. Additional members with relevant experience and expertise may be approved by the Board from time to time. Depending on the competition and travel schedule of the team, the Committee shall meet as required and at least 3 times per year.
The High Performance & Selection Committee (HPSC) is responsible to advise the Board on policy, strategic planning, selection and other matters related to the High Performance Programme. These include:-
- Subject to approval of the Board, to establish policies, competition targets and strategic plans for the development of high-performance rowing in Hong Kong;
- Cooperate closely with the Hong Kong Sports Institute in all aspects of the programme to achieve the agreed targets;
- Provide support and advice to the Technical Director and high-performance coaching team.
- Propose policies and guidelines for the selection of crews to represent Hong Kong, China in international competition, and ensure that these meet international best-practice for fairness and transparency;
- When required, ensure that any selection appeal is properly and promptly referred to an independent Appeals Panel in accordance with the Association’s appeals policies.
- Design and implement talent identification, athlete and coach development pathways which will support and feed the high-performance programme in the long-term;
- Coordinate and cooperate with other HKCRA Committees and working groups to provide integration, exchanges and enhanced pathways between domestic and elite rowing.
- Provide oversight and advice on Anti-Doping and Safeguarding, and on athlete support, recognition and incentives;
- Monitor funding allocated for high-performance – including Title Event Funding, National Squad Training Budgets and Athlete Incentive Funds, and make submissions to the Board on any related financial issues;
- Advise the Board on international policy and cooperation with outside bodies such as FISA, ARF, SF&OC and overseas rowing federations.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and submit policy recommendations and advice to the Board;
- Review from time to time these Terms of Reference.
Coaching Committee
- Chairperson:
- Mr. LO Wan Kei
- Members:
Mr. LAM Wing Sang Mr. WONG Man Wai, Benjamin Ms. WONG Wan Yan Mr. YEUNG Ka Wai, Wilson Ms. YEUNG Yuk Man, Vick Mr. Huang Zhong Ming
- Advisors:
Ms. LO Wai Ling
The Coaching Committee shall oversee the effective utilisation of coaching expertise by the HKCRA. It shall make recommendations or representations to the Board on coaching matters. It shall work closely with the Coaching Director who has professional responsibility for the coach education programme. The duties of the Committee include:
- Maintain the HKCRA’s register of qualified coaches.
- Consider and propose to the Board policies and initiatives with regard to the activities and the quality of rowing coaches in Hong Kong.
- Cooperate closely with the Coaching Director on matters relating to the coach education programme and coaching standards.
- Propose to the Operations Committee for approval the method of selection of coaches for local or overseas training which may be funded by the HKCRA.
- In cooperation with the Technical Director and Coaching Director provide opportunities for coaches to gain international experience and qualifications.
- Propose to the Board an annual Coaching Awards structure to recognise best practice and performance, including the method of selecting awardees for the various categories.
- Keep registered coaches informed of current practice and initiatives and activities of the Committee.
- Prepare minutes of meetings, and also recommendations and advice to the Board, Operations Committee and to the relevant Rowing Committees as appropriate.
Event Committee
- Chairperson:
- Ms. CHAN Ngai Yan, Celia
- Members:
Mr. CHAU Bentley Ms. LAM On Ni, Annie Ms. TANG Tik
The Event Committee is responsible for coordination of the competition programmes for all branches of rowing and to establish and monitor the standards of organisation and facilities of competitive events and their presentational aspects. Its duties include:
- Recommend to the Board an annual competition programme to include all rowing competitions in Hong Kong.
- Ensure the competition programme in all its aspects achieves the objective of promoting the sport and in particular meets the objectives of promoting club rowing.
- Coordinate between the responsible Committees to ensure no undue conflict occurs between rowing, coastal rowing and indoor rowing events.
- Consider and determine, in conjunction with relevant Committees, the events to be included in the various competitions and to ensure that these support and promote the development policies and objectives of the HKCRA.
- Improve the management and operation, promotion and publicity of regattas and other competitive events.
- Consider ways to improve the presentation of competitive events for the benefit of competitors and spectators and the promotion of the sport.
- Identify and implement ways to increase the number of volunteers taking responsibility for the organisation and management of regattas.
- Prepare minutes of meetings, policy recommendations and advice to the Board and to the relevant Rowing Committees.
Para Rowing Committee
- Chairperson:
- Ms. CHAN Tsz Wai
- Members:
Mr. CHAN Man Him Mr. CHENG Fu On Mr. LAM Hon Kit, Keith Ms. YIP Lok Ting, Zoe
The Para Rowing Committee is responsible for the coordination, planning and policy direction of adaptive rowing. Its duties include:
- To promote the broad participation of people with a disability in rowing on an inclusive basis in Hong Kong.
- To propose for Board approval a policy for the sustainable development of adaptive rowing and to monitor and implement such agreed policy.
- To develop and propose to the Board policies for the promotion of adaptive rowing at elite level, in particular targeing participation in the Paralympic Games and Asian Para Games.
- In conjunction with the Rowing Safety Committee make recommendations on any special safety requirements for adaptive rowers.
- To advise the HKCRA on specialised equipment for adaptive rowing.
- To coordinate and organise on behalf of the HKCRA the training and certification of Classifiers and to closely monitor the requirements and information available from FISA in this respect.
- In cooperation with the Umpiring Committee, advise the HKCRA on any rules of racing which should apply specifically to adaptive rowers.
- Oversee and provide advice on the use of budget related to Para-squad training ,overseas competition and related programs.
- Prepare minutes of meetings, policy recommendations and advice to the Board and to the relevant Committees.
Safety Committee
- Chairperson:
- Mr. WONG Man Wai, Benjamin
- Members:
Mr. KWAN Ka Chung Mr. YEUNG Shu Hou
- The HKCRA is committed to the safe practice of rowing and to the well-being of all those enjoying the sport of rowing or participating in events or competitions provided for, or organised by or on behalf of, the HKCRA.
The Safety Committee is responsible for the establishment and monitoring of safety codes for all branches of rowing and their enforcement. Its duties include:
- Prepare, review, update as necessary, and arrange for the publication of a “Code of Practice for Water Safety” and associated safety promotional leaflets.
- Review safety records, Accident and Incident reports submitted by the HKCRA’s members, to determine whether improvements may be implemented that will reduce the possibility of similar accidents/incidents occurring in future.
- Consider appeals by members against warnings/penalties imposed by the HKCRA for alleged infringement of Safety Rules.
- Review all issues and concerns relating to Occupational Safety and Health for coaches, umpires, staff and any related parties and make recommendations to the HKCRA for possible measures to ensure Occupational Safety and Health.
- Ensure that the HKCRA meets all of its obligations in respect of safety issues under current legislation.
- Audit safety measures employed at Regattas and Competitions as well as for training.
- Consider whether safety practices employed outside Hong Kong may be practicable in Hong Kong, and to arrange for their implementation, where applicable.
- Consider and, if appropriate, arrange for the implementation of safety initiatives and the improvement of safety-related practices or facilities that may be suggested or recommended by members, staff or other associated bodies.
- Prepare minutes of meetings, policy recommendations and advice to the Board and to the relevant Rowing Committees.
Umpiring Committee
- Chairperson:
- Mr. NG Wing Ning, Victor
- Members:
Ms. HON Siu Na, Stella Mr. LEUNG Ying Kit Ms. LO Tsz Yang Ms. TANG Tik Dr. SIU Kin Wah Ms. Candy WONG Ms. WONG Kar Man, Carmen
The Umpiring Committee is responsible to oversee the training and qualification of umpires, the effective utilisation of umpiring expertise by the HKCRA and the ongoing programme of umpiring education and development for all branches of rowing. Its duties include:
- Select and provide umpires for all regattas organized by the HKCRA.
- Select and provide umpires for regattas organized by member clubs if requested at least five weeks prior to their date of regatta.
- Select and nominate for Board approval International Umpires for International regattas when requested.
- Select and nominate candidates to participate in FISA International Umpires seminars and examinations, subject to the approval of the Board.
- Review and recommend for approval amendments to the Hong Kong Rules of Racing as appropriate, both by reference to FISA Rules and otherwise.
- Conduct Umpires Seminars and examinations at least once every two years.
- Organize Umpires revision seminars for existing umpires at least once every year.
- Collect comments and suggestions from rowers and member clubs concerning aspects of umpiring and review regularly the performance of umpires and standard of umpiring in regattas in order to improve the standard of umpiring.
- With the approval of the Board, establish guidelines for appropriate action against Umpires with poor standard of conduct and, or poor standard of umpiring.
- Prepare suitable uniforms and equipment for umpiring purposes.
- Advise HKCRA on the purchasing of materials and equipment for the use of umpires in their work.
- Prepare minutes of meetings, and also recommendations and advice to the Board, Operations Committee and to the relevant Rowing Committees as appropriate.
Finance Committee
- Chairperson:
- –
- Members:
- Mr. CHEUNG Kwok Fai
- Purpose:
- To provide advice as to the Association’s finances, investments, funding of developments, accounts and related procedures to the Finance Director.
- Terms of Reference:
- Objectives, responsibilities and reports as per Finance Committee Terms of Reference.
- Objectives
- To ensure that expert advice is available to the Finance Director and through him to the Board of Directors on all matters relating to the Association’s finances, investments, accounts and related procedures.
- To provide all advice in a timely manner.
- Responsibilities
- Review and set up sustainable financial goal and objective to support the development of Hong Kong China Rowing Association
- Review and provide recommendations on the funding structure, include but not limited to the change in the membership/boat renting/racking fee
- Review and provide recommendations on the budget proposal
- Review and provide recommendations on the investment policy
- Review of financial reports
- Selection of Auditor