Jackie Chan Challenge Cup – Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships 2017 Concluded Successfully Today!

Organized by the Organizing Committee of the Hong Kong Universities Rowing Championships(URC), co-organized by Hong Kong, China Rowing Association (HKCRA) and sponsored by the Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation, the above Championships concluded successfully today (13 August 2017) in Sha Tin Shing Mun River. The eight local universities had sent their most competitive teams to take part in this Championships and to compete for the glories of their respective universities.
Each rower had strived for their best results in the two days intensive competitions. After 2 days exciting competitions, the Chinese University of Hong Kong won the Overall Champion with 245 points.
Overall 1st runner-up: Hong Kong Baptist University
Overall 2nd runner-up: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Men’s Overall Champion: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Women’s Overall Champion: The Chinese University of Hong Kong
No matter how were the results, the HKCRA would like to congratulate all the universities crews as they contribution and the effort paid in the past few months.
The prizes presentation ceremony was concluded on 13 August (Sunday) in Sha Tin Rowing Centre. The representatives from the universities are as follow:-
Mrs Betty da SILVA, member of Jackie Chan Charitable Foundation; Ms Jenny KO, Director of Student Services of Lingnan University; Dr Cannon, Steven J., Executive Vice-President (Administration and Finance) of the University of Hong Kong; Professor Dennis K. P. NG, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Dr Albert CHAU, Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) of Hong Kong Baptist University; Dr. KWOK Chi Wai Ron, Dean of Students of City University of Hong Kong; Mrs Loretta NGAI, Senior Sports Development Officer, Office of Counselling and Wellness of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Mr Ricky YEUNG, Associate Director (Sports)of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Mr. HON Ching Lung, Supervisor of Sports Affairs and Development of the Education University of Hong Kong.
This Championships is a unique rowing event for the rowers from different tertiary institutions in Hong Kong. The URC has comprised the student representatives from the eight universities which are responsible to organize the whole Championships. Therefore, the sport of rowing provides a platform for the youngest rowers to work and to compete among the universities so as to enhance techniques and sportsmanship. In addition, it helps to promote the sport of rowing on and off on their campus and hopefully, to further proof that rowing is a lifelong sport. Through this excellent opportunity, the HKCRA encourages all the universities in Hong Kong to further expand its own rowing teams and to bring more newcomers into the sport of rowing.
Congratulations to all the winners again!
Hong Kong, China Rowing Association
13 August 2017