Special Notice – Spam Alert
This morning (13/08/2020) at 8:24AM HKCRA was informed that an imposter has been using fake identity of HKCRA Chairman NG Kong Wan and had sent out spam emails to members of HKCRA from email address: “ngkong.w@rowing.org.hk”. This email address does not exist and does not belong to our Chairman. We take such matter very seriously and have reported this to the Cyber Crime Police and they will be following up and investigating on this assumption of fake identity and spam messages from NG Kong Wan by an imposter.
Please do not open or respond to email from “ngkong.w@rowing.org.hk” as it might be a spam or a virus. We will update the members upon conclusion of the police investigation.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at (852) 2699-7271 if you have queries or should you require any further clarifications on this matter.