Notice For Centre User
Opening Hours

Sha Tin Rowing Centre
Mon – Fri | Sat, Sun & Public Holidays |
8:30am – 6:00pm | 8:30am – 6:30pm |

Jockey Club Shek Mun Rowing Centre
Mon – Fri | Sat, Sun & Public Holidays |
8:30am – 6:00pm | 8:30am – 6:30pm |
Note: These opening hours are subject to change and Members should check with the HKCRA office prior to planning rowing training.
Conduct and Duties of Members
- Members are required to carry their membership cards at all times in the Rowing Centre. All Members must be able to present their membership card at any reasonable time, on request by the HKCRA staff, for the purpose of identification. A member must report the loss of his/her memberships card to the HKCRA (cost for membership card replacement :HK$30)
- All Members shall behave in accordance with the normal dictates of society and any misconduct or misbehavior shall be treated as a breach of the Rules of the HKCRA.
- No raffles or canvassing of any kind will be allowed in the Centre, unless prior approval of the HKCRA has been obtained.
- A Member shall not behave in an inconsiderate manner towards other Members or HKCRA employees.
- A Member shall not use inappropriate language anywhere within HKCRA premises or jurisdiction.
- A Member shall not throw or dispose any refuse on or in any part of the Centre except in the receptacles provided for the proper disposal of such refuse.
- A Member who wishes to make a suggestion for improvements of any kind or to lodge a complaint about any HKCRA matter may do so in writing directly to the Executive Director of the HKCRA or to any Director.
- Members are bound to observe all HKCRA rules and regulations for the time being in force.
- Any Member, who damages, or through carelessness loses or destroys HKCRA property shall repair or replace such property at his own cost, and shall be chargeable for such cost or for value of the property. No Member may remove any property from the Centre without the appropriate permission from the HKCRA staff.
- Subject to the provisions of the laws of Hong Kong, the HKCRA shall not be responsible, nor shall any Director, or HKCRA staff be liable in any capacity, for any injury, loss or damage to person, vehicle or property suffered by any Member, visitor, guest of the HKCRA or other persons on the HKCRA premises or whilst representing the HKCRA in any tournament or competition.
- No smoking is allowed in the Centre or its grounds.
- No gambling is allowed in the Centre or its grounds.
Outing Procedures and Restrictions:
- Members must pay attention to the weather forecast and observe the weather and river conditions (whether they are suitable for outing). Pay attention to any warning notices displayed at Centre.
- Select and check the boat to be used. If any damage is found, please inform the staff immediately.
- Members should only use the boats to which they are entitled. Members should note that private boats must not be used by unauthorized persons at any time. HKCRA boats must only be used by those persons authorized and certified to use the category of boat.
- Members using private and clubs boats must also follow the “Water Safety Guidelines”.
- All Members must fill in the “Official Outing Form” before taking out any boat and present their membership card upon request prior to taking out any boat.
- After 6:00pm (7:00pm in summer) all boats must carry and display approved boat lights in a clearly visible position. Boat lights can be provided upon request to centre staff.
- All Members must follow the correct river circulation pattern when rowing in the Shing Mun River. (Refer to “Shing Mun River Circulation”.)
- Members must be alert at all times for other boats and obstacle in the river. Members should shout out and warn any boats approaching and likely to cause an accident.
- Boats must not be left unattended at the pontoon. Crews should occupy the pontoon for as short a time as possible, particularly when other boats are waiting to use the pontoon. Always keep the pontoon clear for other Members.
- Wash the equipment thoroughly, and place the boat and oars back on the rack after being used.
- If any damage has occurred, Members must fill in a “Boat Damage Report Form”.
- If any serious accident occurs or ambulance was called, the case must be reported in the “Accident and Injury Report” Form and the HKCRA staff on duty must be alerted immediately.
- All boats should be returned to boathouse 30 minutes before the scheduled closing time of the Centre.
- All Members must leave the Centre before the scheduled closing time.
Water Safety Guidelines
All Members should be familiar with the “Water Safety Guidelines” issued by the HKCRA. Please click here for details.
Flag Warning System
The HKCRA staff will hoist either Yellow or Red Warning Flag depends on the river or weather condition. All Members must comply with the Flag Warning System for all rowing activities. Please click here for details.
Weather & Tide Safety Guidelines
HKCRA boats are not permitted to be used at any time under the following conditions:
- Typhoon signal no. 3 or above is hoisted.
- Red or black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted.
- Thunderstorm warning signal is hoisted
- One hour before and one hour after tide level is 0.4 metre or below.
- Whenever weather conditions are unsuitable (strong wind, rough water, etc.).
For Club boats and private boats the HKCRA strongly recommends that the same rules should be followed, however it is the responsibility of Clubs and boat owners to make their own decisions in this respect.
Whenever a typhoon warning is issued, Clubs and private boats owners which have boats normally stored outside in the grounds of the Centre, should contact the HKCRA and make certain that their boats are safely stored inside for the duration of the Attachment
Use of Indoor Rowing Machines (Ergometers) & Slide
- Members should use the machines and slide in the correct manner and with proper care. HKCRA staff will provide assistance upon request.
- Members must report to the HKCRA staff in any case of equipment damage.
- Members should not occupy the machines or slide for an unreasonable time.
- Members should dry the machine with a towel and disinfectant and move it back to original location after use.
- Exposing the machines to rain is strictly prohibited.
- The Centre Management reserves the right to charge a Member for any damage to the equipment caused by improper use.
Use of Gym Room at Jockey Club Shek Mun Rowing Centre
- No person may use the Gym Room unless they are current holders of membership card issued by the HKCRA.
- Children under 15 years of age are not permitted in the Gym Room at any time. Children under 18 years of age are only permitted to use the Gym Room when they are accompanied by an instructor or coach authorised for this purpose.
- All Members using the Gym Room must be appropriately attired including training shoes (no slippers or bare feet are permitted).
- No more than 18 Members are allowed to enter the Gym Room at one point of time.
- No Members shall rest on any resistance machine between sets if others are waiting to use it.
- Members using free weights (dumbbells, barbells, etc.) must return them to the correct racks after use.
- Members using machines and equipment must wipe down such machines and equipment with a towel and disinfectant after use.
- Baggage is not permitted in the Gym Room.
- Smoking, eating or drinking are strictly prohibited in the Gym Room.
- All Members in the Gym Room must follow the directions of the staff at all times.
- Fitness assessment and personal coaching services must be arranged with the instructors approved and appointed by the HKCRA only.
- The HKCRA reserves the right to charge a Member for any damage to the equipment caused by improper use.
Other General Rules & Regulations
- Smoking, eating, drinking or sleeping are strictly prohibited in the Ergo Room, Resting Room, Meeting Rooms and Gym Room at both Rowing Centres.
- All Members should turn off the unnecessary electronic appliances, such as fans, lights after used.
- All Members should comply with the instructions given by the HKCRA staff for use of all equipment and facilitates of the Rowing Centres.
- The HKCRA reserves the right to charge a Member for any loss or damage to the equipment caused by improper use.
- The HKCRA reserves the right to amend, add or omit the rules any regulations at any time, all members should pay attention to the Centre Notices issued by the HKCRA for compliance.