Sir David Akers-Jones, Honorary Adviser of the Association, passed away

The Directors and members of the Hong Kong, China Rowing Association wish to express their sadness at the passing away on 30th September 2019 of Sir David Akers-Jones, GBM, KBE, CMG, JP, Honorary Adviser of the Association.
Sir David was a long-time supporter of rowing in Hong Kong from the establishment of the Association in 1978 right up until this year and was always happy to be present to officiate at our annual Rowing Championships and to speak with our young rowers. He was keen interested in the development of university rowing, as well as school and youth development rowing programmes promoted by the Association, which have created positive impacts on all those involved.
Sir David was a strong advocate for the benefits which sport can bring to the whole community and was recognised for his life-time service to sports with the 2018 IOC Olympism in Action Award.
Rowing, and sport in general in Hong Kong, have lost a true friend.