Let discover a great lifetime sport – Rowing!

Taking up rowing for the first time is really easy for all ages and abilities. HKCRA provide the rowing course in all levels from elementary to advance. The participants can learn rowing in interesting and systematic way.




    Aged 18 or above who can swim at least 50m in clothes


    Sha Tin Rowing Centre:27 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin; or
    Jockey Club Shek Mun Rowing Centre:27 On King Street, Sha Tin

    Enrollment Method

    1. Completed the enrollment on https://hkcra.justgo.com ,before two weeks prior to the commencement of the course.  Online Enrollment Demonstration
      1. A confirmation letter will be sent by email before the commencement of the course. Once the confirmation letter is sent, no changing course, transferring or refund will be accepted.
      2. If the course cannot be held as scheduled, HKCRA will inform those applicants by phone or email. If no notification is received in 3 days before the commencement of the course, please contact our staff for enquiry.
      3. Application will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
      4. Make-up class may arrange if the course is affected by inclement weather. For detailed arrangement of inclement weather, please check with Guideline for Rowing Courses on Different Weather Conditions.
      5. HKCRA reserves the right to amend all course arrangement.


        Board Rowing Course

        Star 1

        2 session of 8 hours

        Sculling Course

        Star 2

        3 sessions of 12 hours

        Coastal Rowing Course

        Star 3

        2 sessions of 8 hours

        Advance Level

        Continuous Sculling Course (Star 4-5)#

        5 sessions of 20 hours

        Sweep Rowing Cross Over Comprehensive Course (Star 4-5)#

        5 sessions of 20 hours

        Continuous Coastal Rowing Course (Star4-5)#

        5 sessions of 20 hours

        * 4 hours per sessions
        # Applicants must pass Star 3 course


        “Attendance Certificate” will be issued to those with 80% attendance rate.
        Technical assessment will be held in the last session of Continuous or Cross Over Courses and “Proficiency Certificate” will be issued to those who passed the assessments.
        An administration fee of HK$50 will be charged for each newly issued certificate.

        Sculling Technical Assessment Content

        Any sculling certificate obtained overseas cannot be applied to the Hong Kong, China Rowing Association(HKCRA). If necessary, HKCRA will also provide a scull technical test(Water Assessment). Once qualified, a “Proficiency Certificate” will be issued on the same day. For enquiries on fees and details, please contact our staff, at 2696 2337 or email to rowingcourse@rowing.org.hk


        Tel: (852) 2696 2337

        E-mail: rowingcourse@rowing.org.hk

        Course Timetable

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